Mon cher Juifs américains,
excuse my english. Although I am sure it is better than your insignifiante français.
I was sitting in a café, sipping my morning café au lait and chomping on a croissant, when my maîtresse showed me your web-site on her wi-fi. My béret jumped in the air! What an idea magnifique!
I spent minutes browsing your web-site. So many Juifs! Some of the profils are quite humoristique. Some are quite agréable. Others not so.
But I ask you, mon cher Juifs américains, where is the profil of master comédien Jerry Lewis? You have various humoristes américains profiled on your web-site, but no Jerry Lewis! What an omission terrible!
No Juif web-site is complète without Jerry Lewis! Not only is he the funniest comédien, he is the funniest Américain ever! Perhaps his humour sophistiqué is a little avancée for your minds américain?
I also see that you ridiculisé mimes in the Marcel Marceau profil. Très horrible, mon cher Juifs américains. Très horrible!
With amour,
Your friend français