We don't know much about mid-century Italian cinema, other that there was a lot of intercourse behind the scenes. Oh, and that Sophia Loren (Not a Jew) was damn sizzling in her time.
And we don't know much about Marcello Mastroianni, other that he was the leading man of Italian cinema... meaning he had a lion's share of that intercourse. In fact, he was paired with Loren 14 times. The screen couple was brought together by Loren's husband, director Carlo Ponti. Kinky? Was something going on there? We honestly don't know...
And we don't know much about Mastroianni's family history, but apparently we are not the only ones. According to a recent biography, Mastroianni's mother was Ida Idelson, a Jewish immigrant from Belarus. She hid her origins, supposedly revealing them close to her death. Alas, confirmation of that has been impossible to find, so we would have to go with the verified story: his mother was goyishe Ida Irolle from the Italian town of Alpino.
So, yes, this much we know. We think.