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    About the Jew Score
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    Ralph Baer

    Jew Score:



    March 8, 1922 – December 6, 2014

    Every now and then we make broad statements on this website that our readers try to refute. Our claim of the lack of Jewish artists, for instance, has been met by a barrage of emails listing various names. Some of these we even heard of.

    Our claim of the lack of Jewish video game creators? Err.... Not so much. Sure, we get a random email from time to time, but it's usually met by a large yawn. So a Jew designed some video game that twelve people in the whole world care about? Big deal...

    Well, Ralph Baer IS a big deal, for he is known as "The Father of Video Games". The German-born Jew developed the first video game console, the Brown Box in the 1960s. It was then licensed to Magnavox. So before your Nintendos, and Segas, and Playstations, and X-Boxes, there was the Magnavox Odyssey.

    Baer also invented the first light gun, so all those hours you spent trying to shoot that annoying dog in Duck Hunt were thanks to him.

    So there you have it, a very important video game Jew. Now if only we could stop those artist emails...

    Verdict: Jew.

    November 17, 2011

    See Also

    Curt Herzstark

    Josef Kates

    Sid Meier

    David Rosen

    Warren Spector
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.