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    Alanis Morissette

    Jew Score:



    June 1, 1974 —

    Remember the 90s? Weren't they fun? OK, being honest, weren't they all dark and depressing? But regardless, is there a better metaphor for that entire decade than 90s musical alum, Alanis Morissette?

    Much like that decade was about distancing ourselves from the candy-coated, pink and fuzzy 80s, Morissette was a Canadian teenie pop-star transformed into a jagged little pill. And the breakup that fueled that decade-defining album was reportedly with Dave Coulier, of all people, one of the "stars" of the "hit" 80s comedy Full House.

    The decade itself, that made self-loathing so cool, well wasn't Alanis the anthem for all that? Oh sure, looking back, she isn't that dark. But no one knows who the heck Nine Inch Nails were, so good luck with that. No, if the 90s were misery (faux misery mind you, real misery was more like, say, 1190 than 1990) than Alanis was Queen (whereas Queen was King of 70s stadium rock. Yes, it's all very confusing).

    And now that the 90s have long since passed? Well, so has Alanis Morissette's career. A passing dalliance. A one-time fancy that is now left far, far behind. Yes, just as the 90s have dissipated, so too has Ms. Morissette. Oh sure, occasionally she returns. A new album or a guest appearance. A surprising discovery of Jewish grandparents. Yes, there are still goth girls and there is still Alanis, but no one really cares. And thus her career arc really has followed the decade that so defined her.

    And isn't that ironic?

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    March 9, 2012

    See Also

    Eugene Aserinsky

    Dave Coulier

    k.d. lang


    Ryan Reynolds
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