Have you noticed that zombies are everywhere? In fact, there is one heading straight for us! Quick, hide!
Whew. Not a zombie. Just a slovenly co-worker who tends to drool. That was close.
A few years ago, zombies were reduced to cult films seen by few, appearances on classic Simpsons episodes ("Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" — "He was a zombie?"), and Max Brooks novels (if you catch the resemblance to a certain Jewish icon, you're not seeing things — Max is Mel's son).
But now... you can't get away from zombies if you tried. From movies ("Zombieland") to TV ("The Walking Dead") to video games ("Plants vs Zombies"). What's next? Zombie romance novels? Must... fight... the urge... to google... Yes, there are zombie romance novels. Don't act surprised.
In any case, at least the junior Brooks gets to cash in on the success. One of his novels, "World War Z", is getting a highly-anticipated Hollywood treatment...
Watch out! There's one now! Oh, sure, it's probably the same co-worker, but let's take out the shotgun anyway. Better to be safe than sorry, right?