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    About the Jew Score
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    Al Gross

    Jew Score:



    (Irving J. Gross)
    February 22, 1918 – December 21, 2000

    Let's say you're lost in the desert. Doesn't sound like something that's gonna be a problem in the near future, but then again, we're Jews, so we can't say it hasn't happened before.

    So, you're lost. It's all kinds of mother hot. Every damn dune looks the same. The sun is just a big unforgiving ball of orange death hanging over the horizon. You haven't seen a person, or an animal, or even a plant for miles.

    Help isn't coming and you've left hope behind hours ago. Now imagine you have a device. Maybe it's small and black and fits in your pocket. And no matter where you are, without a cord or an antenna or anything, you can use that device to talk to anyone in the world. Call for help? Hell, you can call for pizza. Just grab your little black personal radio wireless communication device and the day is saved!

    This is what Al Gross invented — several times actually. He started with a modification for the first walkie-talkie, then worked on CB radio, then the first pager system, and finally on a wireless telephone. All of which, for one reason or another, was ignored, forgotten, or dismissed.

    Just imagine how amazing it would be to talk to any person, anywhere, at any time... Oh wait, we can.

    Well, it was a mind-blowing idea 25 years ago, we swear.

    Verdict: Jew.

    February 5, 2013

    See Also

    Martin Cooper

    Philippe Kahn

    Arthur Korn

    Dov Moran

    Andrew Viterbi
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.