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    Rudy LaRusso

    Jew Score:



    November 11, 1937 – July 9, 2004

    What's the biggest misnomer in professional sports? That would have to be the Los Angeles Lakers. There are no lakes in Los Angeles, natch.

    Of course, the Lakers got their name because the team originated in the land of 10,000 lakes, Minnesota. Back in 1960, the Minneapolis Lakers packed up their bags and made the shift to the sunny beaches of California, keeping their nickname intact.

    On that Laker team was Rudy LaRusso, a rookie who was coming off a stellar season. He would blossom in Los Angeles, helping the Lakers to four NBA finals and being named to the All-Star team five times.

    And, speaking of misnomers, despite the rather Italian last name (and a before-it's-time Karate Kid shout-out), LaRusso was actually Jewish.

    Actually... we're wrong. Clearly, the biggest misnomer in professional sports is the Utah Jazz.

    But since no Jew would ever consider playing for Utah, we'll have to leave this profile at that.

    Verdict: Jew.

    November 7, 2013

    See Also

    Kobe Bryant

    Sid Hartman

    Shaquille O'Neal

    Dolph Schayes

    Ossie Schectman
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