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    Papa Smurf

    Jew Score:




    As we discussed in seminal profile from ten(!!!) years ago, Gargamel is not Jewish. But surely, we can find a Jew among the dozens of Smurfs!

    Let's discard the obvious goyim: Handy (no Jew is handy), Hefty (no Jew is hefty), Jokey (exploding gift boxes are not exactly Jewish humor), Vanity (maybe if there was a female version... that would fit the JAP profile), Harmony (plays the trumpet, not the violin), Smurfette (clear shiksa)...

    Grouchy seems like a fantastic candidate. He has to be considered.

    Brainy is an annoying know-it-all, but he just doesn't send a Jewish vibe; more like a tweed-wearing WASPy nerd. Pass on Brainy.

    Greedy is a strange one, especially since in cartoons, Greedy is the combination of two comic book characters, Greedy Smurf and Chef Smurf. (See, we did our research!) But he is greedy for food, not for money... hold that thought.

    Doctor Smurf... we're really reaching deep here. Apparently, he's not a very good doctor. Probably not, then.

    Tailor Smurf: believe it or not, yes! In the cartoons, he spoke with a New York accent which was supposed to reference immigrant Jewish tailors at the turn of the 20th century. You can't make this up.

    Oh-oh. Finance Smurf. He tries to introduce money to the Smurf Village. Oh-oh. Finance Smurf? Really? Ugh... (Here is where we note that the Smurfs clearly live in a kibbutz.) FINANCE SMURF?

    Papa Smurf! Wise, bearded, rabbinical... but would they really put a Jew in charge of all of those goyim? (No, really, Finance Smurf?!?! Is it too late to enact the Gargamel Law?)

    Verdict: Sadly, Not a Jew.

    March 13, 2017

    See Also

    Seven Dwarfs




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