"The next Charles Darwin"
That's is pretty much the rundown on Jeremy England, a professor at MIT, who — before the age of 35 (we've wasted our life!?) proposed an extension to Darwin's theory. An extension that, if true, could provide answers mankind has sought for centuries.
England theorizes that molecules self-organize in clusters. With time (lots and lots of time) these clusters absorb and release more and more energy, which leads to... life. You're such a cluster. Yes, you, reading this website right now!
England's theory goes beyond words. He's come up a mathematical formula, based on established physics, that supposedly proves it.
The problem is that it's not exactly proven yet. England's theory, that nature prefers entropy, seems in conflict with the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Well, we'll leave it to the scientific community to prove England right or wrong. For now, let's just note that even though he theorizes about the creation of life, England is an Orthodox Jew.
How is that for a rundown?