For a very short period in our childhood, we wanted to be archeologists. Of course, this was after watching Indiana Jones. Duh!
Travel all over the world, visit exotic locales, discover secret treasures, shoot evil bad guys, romance hot damsels... that was the life.
Then we found out that being an archeologist is not all it's cracked up to be. It's a hard, tedious, repetitive job which offers little reward. Secret treasures? If only...
No, the world's secret treasures have all been pretty much discovered, by real-life Indiana Joneses, such as Hungarian-British archeologist Aurel Stein. His biggest claim to fame is the discovery of Diamond Sutra, the world's oldest printed text. We're not sure if he ever shot bad guys or romanced damsels. Our guess is no.
So, no, we never became archeologists. Instead, we're stuck in a hard, tedious, repetitive job which offers little reward.
Oh well.