George: Do you know how big Tuscany is?
Jerry: I have no idea.
George: It it's huge. It's probably like North Dakota.
Oh, Costanza, Costanza, Costanza... Your lack or worldly knowledge (outside of sports and cured meats) is truly remarkable. North Dakota is 70,000 square miles, about eight times the size of Tuscany. (The closest US equivalent would be New Jersey.)
Tuscany, of course, is a picturesque region in central Italy, home to Florence. It's also home to Rabbi. No, not "a rabbi", but Rabbi, a river whose origin lies in the mountains in the east of the region. Before anyone asks (and of course, you want to ask), the word for "rabbi" in Italian is "rabbino". Seems unlikely that's where the river's name came from, but you never know?
Still... there is a Rabbi in Tuscany.
Could we say that about North Dakota?