Licoricia of Winchester was in the news recently, which is pretty good, considering she's been dead for over eight centuries. There is a statue of her being unveiled in, well, Winchester. Prince Charles himself was supposed to be present at the opening.
Licoricia was a 13th century Jew who, after the death of her two husbands, became a rather important moneylender. (Sadly, what did you expect?) Among her clients was the king himself. A prominent historian called her "the most important Jewish woman in medieval England". Not much competition there, natch.
Now moneylending is great and everything, but we need to talk about names. Oh, not Licoricia herself, although that is rather out there, even for the 13th century. (Apparently, it's the uniqueness of her name that made her distinguishable in the annals.) It's the names of Licoricia's five children that are one more fantastic than the other.
We start with Benedict and Belia, which have stood the test of time (although Benedict is not exactly Jewy). We move on to Cockerel. Yes, Cockerel. Cock for short?
After that, we got Lumbard. Future parents, if Cockerel is too out there, this is a great name for you! Works great for a boy or girl! It will guarantee uniqueness! Just think about it: Lumbard Jones! Lumbard Smith! Lumbard Cohen! It just rolls off your tongue.
Finally, there is Licoricia's youngest, named Asher... a perfectly cromulent Jewish name. That is, until you realize that it was also spelled Asser.
Stick with Lumbard.