In the profile of Samm Levine, written over a decade a go, we delved into "Freaks and Geeks", the quickly-canceled, now-beloved television series that launched the careers of, among others, Seth Rogen, James Franco, and Jason Segel. We mentioned in passing John Francis Daley, whose role on the show was arguably greater than his aforementioned co-stars. Daley's Sam and Linda Cardellini's Lindsay were the brother and sister at the heart of the series.
And, yeah, Daley looked like this. One guess which side of freaks and geeks he landed on. (If you need another hint, despite that incredibly goyishe name, he is Halachically Jewish.)
While Rogen, Franco, et al, rose to Hollywood stardom, Daley picked up roles on television, before moving into writing and directing. He now looks like this, which might be proof that there is hope for all of us?
Most recently, Daley co-wrote and directed the new Dungeons & Dragons movie. So, yeah, regardless of what he looks like... still a geek.