On an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Larry's goyishe lawyer, Dr. Berg, played by Paul F. Tompkins (Not a Jew) goes out of his way to act Jewy. Larry has a problem with that, of course. (We would too!)
Then there is Saul Goodman, probably the most famous lawyer in all of television (Perry Mason? Matlock? Someone from Law & Order? OK, most famous lawyer in all of MODERN television), played by Bob Odenkirk through four seasons of "Breaking Bad" and six seasons of his own prequel, "Better Call Saul", who changes his name to be punny and pretends to be Jewish as part of one scam.
In real life, Odenkirk is actually a tad more Jewy than one would think. (Somehow in his pairing with David Cross, CROSS is the Jewish one.) Odenkirk comes from German and Irish stock, but is married to a Jewish woman and raised his kids Jewish. He also appears to be a mensch, unlike his TV alter ego Saul.
Jews make good lawyers! (Perry Mason? Matlock? Someone from Law & Order?)