Let's do this profile backwards. Take a look at the "See Also" section below. What do you see? What do some of those people have in common? They are pretty obscure, really. Oh? You don't say!
Now look at this man to the left, Moses (Moe) Nadler. Study his thoughtful face. Why would we link some of those people below to Moe? Who was this Moe, anyway?
This Moe is not exactly a household name. (Heck, he doesn't even have a Wikipedia page!) He was a Canadian businessman and manufacturer who is responsible for a revolutionary change in women's attire. Nadler owned what was once called the Canadian Lady Corset Company. It created the push-up brassiere; you know it as the Wonderbra. Now those strange people in the "See Also" section make sense?
Since Nadler started manufacturing the Wonderbra in 1939, it has spread through the world, even becoming a generic name for that type of garment. Nadler is mostly forgotten... except on our website!
So that explains some of the "See Also" section. But what does Sara Lee have to do with the Wonderbra? In the 1960s, the Canadians sold the business to what is now the Sara Lee Corporation. See, it all makes sense...