When some of us were in college, we took a course where the professor expected the students to memorize formulas and then use them on a test. We forgot one formula, but figured out a completely different way to solve the problem. The professor marked it wrong.
We argued and received partial credit. Partial credit! Because we didn't show all the work! That's what you want your students to do, idiot professor, blindly regurgitate formulas and not come up with ingenious answers on their own. G-d damn, it's been 25 years, but we're still pissed off.
What does this have to do with Harlan Ellison, one of the most prolific science fiction writers of all time, perhaps best known for penning what is considered the greatest Star Trek episode ever? Well, when Ellison was in college, a professor did not like his writing. So Ellison... punched him. For that, he was swiftly expelled.
For the next two decades, Ellison sent that professor a copy of every story he had published. Considering his lifetime total ran to 1700 short stories, that must have been quite a volume!
Students of the world! Don't take shit from idiot professors! Probably best not to punch them, of course...