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    Meryl Streep

    Jew Score:



    June 22, 1949 —

    Meryl Streep suffered a huge disappointment recently. No, it wasn't losing another Oscar (honestly, she deserves to win every year she's nominated, but the Academy apparently thinks she's gotten her share already). No, Meryl Streep found out that she is not Dutch.

    And why does that matter to us? Well, Meryl thought that not only was she Dutch, but also a descendant of Dutch Jews. Supposedly, her father's side of the family emigrated from Spain to Holland. Instead of signing their Jewish last name, they drew a line... or "streep" in Dutch.

    But sadly for Meryl, that is not the case. Recent research found that her paternal great-grandfather brought his last name not from Holland, but from Germany. And it wasn't Streep, it was Streebe.

    And sadly for us as well. Although... according to the same research, Meryl still might have Jewish ancestry — she is related to Jewish director Mike Nichols. And have you seen her performance in "Prime", when she plays a Jewish mother and nails it? Every turn of the head, every look, every nuance?

    All right. Fine. Meryl Streep might have some Jewish ancestry, at best. But she is still a terrific actress. A terrific goyishe actress. Talk about a huge disappointment.

    Verdict: Sadly, Not a Jew.

    October 27, 2008

    See Also

    Nora Ephron

    Anne Hathaway

    Helen Mirren

    Julianne Moore

    Mike Nichols
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.