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    Julius Vogel

    Jew Score:



    February 24, 1835 – March 12, 1899

    "We don't have [Jews] where I come from." — Lucy Lawless, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

    Oh Xena, Warrior Princess! We might not know much about your native New Zealand (Sheep. Lord of the Rings movies. Russell Crowe (Not a Jew). That's pretty much it.), but we do know that your current prime minister, John Key, is actually half Jewish. And two former prime ministers were also of Jewish descent.

    One of those two was Julius Vogel, who held the post twice late in the 19th century. And, unlike Key and the third PM, Francis Bell, Vogel actually was a practicing Jew. A practicing Jew with a beard for the ages.

    Not only that, he wrote the first science fiction novel in New Zealand history, "Anno Domini 2000 — A Woman's Destiny", a book about an utopian world with women in power.

    So, dear Lucy, read up on your national history. You don't want to look like a fool next time you talk to a Jew on a TV program, right?

    Verdict: Jew.

    June 5, 2009

    See Also

    Jo Aleh

    Larry David

    John Key

    Jules Verne

    Taika Waititi
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.