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    Baruch Spinoza

    Jew Score:



    November 24, 1632 – February 21, 1677

    In 1656, the Jews of Amsterdam made a terrible decision. No, they did not decide to turn over the hash trade to the Dutch. They excommunicated Baruch Spinoza.

    That's right, Baruch Spinoza, only one of the most brilliant philosophers of all time, one of the founders of modern thought. And why was he excommunicated?

    Well, for one, the Jews did not like Spinoza's non-traditional interpretations of Torah and the Talmud. And, what makes it even worse, they were afraid that Amsterdam's Christians would be angered by Spinoza's beliefs.

    Really, 17th century Jews of Amsterdam? Really? Since when do Jews care what the goyim think? Especially in the Netherlands, always known as a country of free thought and new ideas. (And legalized prostitution. But we digress.)

    Sadly, we don't have the authority to revert the 350-year-old decision. So we'll do the only thing we can — give Spinoza a high Jew Score and the one and only proper verdict.

    Verdict: Jew.

    June 12, 2009

    See Also

    Jacques Derrida

    Michel de Montaigne

    Friedrich Nietzsche


    Jean-Paul Sartre
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