It's time for another installment of our "Ask Jew or Not Jew" feature, where young readers write in for advice. Here's a letter we recently received.
Dear Jew or Not Jew, my family just moved to Milwaukee. I'm the only Jewish girl in my school! The boys here are only interested in beer, blonds, and boobs, and I don't exactly look like Pamela Anderson. What should I do??? — Deborah Schneider-Hymowitz, 16, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dear Deborah,
Believe it or not, you're not the first Jewish girl to move to Milwaukee. 100 years ago, a young Golda Mabovitch (not exactly a Pamela Anderson look-alike herself) was facing the same predicament. And she turned out just fine.
So perhaps you should forget about those Wisconsin boys and go into politics.
Or just wait until college.
Keep your chin up,
Jew or Not Jew.