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    About the Jew Score
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    Steve Martin

    Jew Score:



    August 14, 1945 —

    Hey there goyim! We know it's been a while since we rapped at ya, but we've been pretty busy lately. Yeah, with the whole Jew, not a Jew thing. It's going great, actually. Thanks for asking.

    Anyhoo, we just wanted to drop by and help you out with some more Jew-y words of wisdom. See a lot of you have been writing in asking about lots of different comedians because you think they might be Jewish.

    Robin Williams, Steve Carell... Oh, and Steve Martin, natch.

    Now we know there are a lot of Jewish jokesters out there. And Jews, as a people, do have a long history of comedic culture. But that doesn't make every funny person out there a potential Israelite. So, someone like Martin, who — let's be clear — we absolutely adore, who has not even the thinnest shred of shema about him except for the laughs? Yeah, that whole thing's just a stereotype. So there's no need to even consider him. Sorry.

    Of course, compared to all the other stereotypes out there: all ugly people are Jews, all rich people are Jews, all momma's boys are Jews...

    Y'know what? Eff it. All funny people are Jews. It's a heck of a lot better than the alternatives. Now let's move on.

    Verdict: Sadly, Not a Jew.

    June 22, 2010

    See Also

    Steve Carell

    Daryl Hannah

    Carl Reiner

    Martin Short

    Robin Williams
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.