According to author Gore Vidal, his step-sister, Jackie Kennedy...
Wait a minute. How on earth are these two step-siblings? Let's see.
Vidal's mother, Nina Gore, was the second wife of Hugh Auchincloss. Auchincloss' third wife was Janet Lee Bouvier, Jackie's mother. (This was Janet's second of three marriages.) So yeah, we guess one can call them step-siblings. (They're also supposedly cousins. Fantastic!)
Anyway, according to Vidal, Jackie was part Jewish. Supposedly, Jackie's mother, who was born Janet Lee, was really Janet Levy. Vidal's mother made sure to point out that Jackie's grandfather anglicized his name to become a vice president of the Morgan bank.
Now, normally we would take a relative's word, but here it seems a bit fishy. Looking at Jackie's ancestry, it turns out that not only was her grandfather born James Lee (not Levy), HIS father (Jackie's great-grandfather) was also James Lee. So either the Levy origins are REALLY well hidden, or Vidal's mother was just jealous of the daughter of the woman who replaced her. (We're definitely betting on the latter.)
Oh, those petty socialites!