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    About the Jew Score
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    Fritz Lang

    Jew Score:



    December 5, 1890 – August 2, 1976

    Director Fritz Lang's mother was Jewish, but converted to Catholicism. Fritz was raised as a good Catholic, and although he wasn't religious as an adult, he put Catholic themes into his movies, including "Metropolis", which is considered one of the greatest films of all time. (Adjusted for inflation, it just might be the most expensive movie ever made. In 1927, it cost 5.3 million reichsmarks, which translates to north of 200 million dollars in today's money.)

    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about monocles.

    #1: Isn't wearing a monocle rather difficult? With glasses, you just plop them on the nose. Even a pince-nez is easier to handle. Why would anyone chose to wear a monocle? And all the squinting...

    #2: Doesn't wearing a monocle make the person look sinister? Take Lang, for instance. He was probably a decent enough fellow in real life. But look at him! Look at him again! And again! Doesn't that just scream out "supervillain"? Don't you just expect someone who looks like that to have an underground lair and cackle evilly while stroking a cat? The only thing scarier is if he supplemented the monocle with an eyepatch... AAARGH!

    So, yes, monocles. No wonder they are out of fashion. And, yes, Fritz Lang. Barely a Jew. But you already knew that.

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    April 11, 2011

    See Also

    Cecil B. DeMille

    Sergei Eisenstein

    Peter Lorre

    The Penguin

    Erich von Stroheim
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.