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    Brett Ratner

    Jew Score:



    March 28, 1969 —

    Who is the worst director in Hollywood today? Who continuously churns out turd after turd?

    Well, Brett Ratner, of course!

    And don't take our word for it. A cursory Google search for worst director spat Ratner out at or near the top of numerous lists. On RottenTomatoes.com, just a couple of his movies get more than 50% of positive reviews, and most linger towards the the bottom of the barrel. His biggest success? The not-so-mildly racist Rush Hour series. It's all downhill from there, including the mangling of the X-Men franchise. Ratner took over for the terrible third film, forcing an immediate reboot.

    Oh, and Ratner seems like a huge douchebag, from his recent statement that "rehearsing is for fags" to making up sexual conquests.

    So why do Hollywood studios keep hiring him?

    And why are we publicizing that he is Jewish?

    Verdict: Sadly, a Jew.

    January 10, 2012

    See Also

    Friedberg and Seltzer

    Hannibal Lecter


    Todd Phillips

    Bryan Singer
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