The 500th Simpsons episode was on recently, and we were all ready to complain. After all, the state of the series now doesn't come close to matching the brilliance of is early years.
We were going do to so in the guise of a profile of the bully Dolph, who was recently revealed to be Jewish (fellow bully Jimbo is Christian, while Kearney belongs to the Cult of Moe). But then we realized... we already wrote this. Three and a half years and 900 profiles ago. Under Duffman. Go ahead, read that profile. We'll wait.
Yep... it seems that we would just be repeating ourselves. Which is one of our major complaints about The Simpsons in its current incarnation. But maybe, just maybe, after 500 episodes (1300 profiles), one can't help but get just a little repetitive?
Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on The Simpsons. Maybe we should appreciate its past excellence and move on. It's not like anyone is forcing us to watch new episodes, right?
And maybe we should take a good look in the mirror and ask ourselves, are we still fresh? Are we still churning out quality profiles?
And are we so full of ourselves that we're comparing our little website to The Simpsons?