One sometimes hears of Jews hiding their real identity and pretending to be someone else. While we will never be in favor of the practice, sometimes it's understandable, and some situations even make it justifiable. What you never hear about is someone pretending to be Jewish.
Until we found out about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, she of the self-portraits, the bisexuality, the unibrow, the love affair with Leon Trotsky, and the overdose. According to Kahlo, her father was a Hungarian Jew. But according to researchers who traced her lineage back to the 16th century, that was hardly the case.
Kahlo's father was not Jewish, he was a goyishe German. It seems that Frida wanted to dissociate herself from Germany and its Nazi regime and therefore decided to pick something completely opposite from her real heritage. And we can't blame her, really.
Of course, the desire to appear Jewish doesn't make one so. But we can understand why someone would want in. We ARE the chosen people, after all.