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    About the Jew Score
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    Fromental Halevy

    Jew Score:



    May 27, 1799 – March 17, 1862

    Jewish opera fans, have we got a treat for you!

    Tired of all the goyishe operas? Then take a look at "The Jewess" by Fromental Halevy! Jewish themes, Jewish composer, and yes, oh so Jewish title!

    And it's not just some opera; "The Jewess" is one of the most proclaimed operas in history! It has been produced all over the world for close to 200 years!

    The opera tells of the impossible love between the title Jewess and a goyishe prince. The woman's Shylockian father, Eleazar, condemns the love, but when the tryst is revealed, both are arrested by the Cardinal. They can be saved by only one thing: conversion to Christianity.

    The two refuse and are led to their death. After the Jewess is executed, Eleazar reveals the terrible truth: the Cardinal was the woman's real father. He is then executed. The chorus sings, "We are avenged on the Jews!". That's your Jewish opera!

    That's your Jewish opera? With a Jewish composer? He didn't convert or anything? Really? We are avenged on the Jews?

    Maybe you should stick to the goyishe ones, Jewish opera fans.

    Verdict: Jew.

    August 27, 2013

    See Also

    Lorenzo Da Ponte

    Felix Mendelssohn

    Giacomo Meyerbeer

    Franz Schreker

    Georg Solti
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.