Oh, Internet, you coy, salacious dybbuk. You've managed to fool us once again.
Yes, it's a wonderful little information age we're all living in, where the touch of a button can bring uncountable oodles of info to our cute little electronic boxes of joy (not to mention porn!) But it may be time to accept the fact that an easily accessible and malleable informative medium may not be the ultimate and final distributor of truth.
Or, put more simply, just cause Wikipedia says it, doesn't mean it's true. Forthwith, this past weekend's rumor that Ray Lewis was Jewish. Yeah, not so much.
Remember mamales, just because you saw it on the Intertubes, doesn't mean it's true. Or even particularly likely. Especially if it's saying that a 6 foot, 260 pound, black professional athlete known for particularly vicious play (and, ahem, allegedly stabbing a man) is Jewish.
Unless you saw it on JONJ. Then it's totally legit.