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    Jack Tramiel

    Jew Score:



    (Jacek Trzmiel)
    December 13, 1928 – April 8, 2012

    It's time for another installment of our "Ask Jew or Not Jew" feature, where young readers write in for advice. Here's a letter we recently received.

    Dear Jew or Not Jew, my parents don't want to buy me an iPhone. They got me some stupid cheap crap which was made in Laos or something. Can you talk some sense into them? — Rebecca Shapiro-Humphrey, 11, Massapequa, New York

    Dear Rebecca,

    We feel your pain. When we were your age, you know what we wanted the most in the world? A Commodore 64. Did we get one? No. Even our pleas that Commodore was founded by a Jew, Jack Tramiel, didn't help. You what we got instead? A Wang computer! A Wang, Rebecca!

    See, that's the thing, Rebecca. You probably never heard of a Commodore 64. 30 years ago, they were at the top of the world, and now? They are all gathering dust in some landfill. Just like iPhones will be one day. And that day will come quicker than you think.

    Enjoy your Laotian device,

    Jew or Not Jew.

    Verdict: Jew.

    February 25, 2014

    See Also

    Michael Dell

    Lee Felsenstein

    Andrew Grove

    Steve Jobs

    David Rosen
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.