We've often lamented the lack of prominent Jewish politicians here on Jew or Not Jew. That'll teach us.
The governor of New York State as a Jew would have been a cause to celebrate. We'd have waxed eloquent about the Hebrew Crusader. The tough as nails prosecutor who followed a hard line on crime all the way up to one of the most high profile governors' offices in the country.
Now? Not so much.
But who are we at JONJ to judge how one finds companionship? Surely there are worse offenses for a governor to commit. So we decided to forgive him and put the K score at 2. A nice low number that acknowledged the offense, yet admitted there was a chance for reconciliation.
Then we found out that his "woman of choice" was named Kristen.
Seriously now, a Sara, a Leah or even a Rachel — that we could understand. But a Kristen?
Now that just goes too far.