"What's a four-dimensional shape?", asked the soon-to-be-seven-year-old.
Damn it! They were learning three-dimensional shapes (cone, cylinder, pyramid, etc) in first grade, but he just had to go a step further.
Four dimensions... Let's see. There's a tesseract, a four-dimensional cube, which... damn it, we can't explain it! You know how a cube can be sliced into six squares? A tesseract can be sliced into eight cubes, so imagine that, and then put them together, and... Damn it!
And that's just your regular, Euclidean geometry. If you take the fourth dimension as time, as proposed by Einstein's teacher, Hermann Minkowski (Jew, of course), then the four-dimensional shape would be... Ummmm... A series of cubes as they travel through time? Right? We need someone smarter than us here. Damn it!
"It's very hard to explain it," we responded.
"Then what's a 100-dimensional shape?", he followed up.