As you might have noticed, every time we write about someone for this website, we try to have a new approach for the profile. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes, with more than 200 profiles behind us, it's pretty darn hard.
As it is in this case. For we are profiling Adrian Brody, who not only won an Oscar for playing a Jew in "The Pianist", but as it turns out, is a Jew in real life as well. Three quarters actually (the other one is Catholic), but come to think of it, somewhat surprising it's not all four. Just look at his nose.
See, we have to talk about the nose. That nose is as Jewish as it gets. But then we'll just be repeating ourselves. We already discussed the nose issue multiple times, and beat it to death with Sarah Jessica Parker. So at this point, we really should look past it, as hard as that might be, and discuss Brody's body of work, his Jewish roots, and beliefs.
But we can't. We just can't. How can anyone get past that nose?
Now... how are we gonna profile Barbra Streisand?