By our count, we have profiled 58 people with the first name David. This includes such luminaries as David Beckham, David Ben-Gurion, and David Mamet, as well as such obscurities as David Nahmad and David Zalcberg.
David is followed by Michael with 37. Then, it's a race between George, Paul, and Robert. Richard checks in with 19. We go down to Adam, John, Alexander, Jason, Mark, Daniel... Boris with 13!
There are seven Ottos, six Normans, five Ralphs, four Christophers(!), three Jacqueses, two Franzes, and even one Wolfgang.
As of this point, there are no Hanses, so let's add famed composer Zimmer, a favorite of Christopher (there's that name again) Nolan. And, despite the very German name and a very German upbringing, Hans is, in fact, a Jew.
So, one Hans.
But who's counting?