"BoJack Horseman" is a show of fantastic names. There's the titular character, of course, as well as Sextina Aquafina, Rutabaga Rabbitowitz, Hank Hippopopalous, Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz, Hollyhock Mannheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzarelli-McQuack, Raphael Bob-Waksberg...
Actually, that last one is not a character. Raphael Bob-Waksberg is the creator of the show. So how did he get saddled with such a moniker?
Quite simple, really. His mother is Ellen Bob. His father is David Waksberg. Put them together, and you get Bob-Waksberg.
It's not exactly Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz, but it's pretty Jewy, too.