Pictured to the right is 'Oumuamua, a mysterious elongated object first detected in 2017. It is considered to be the first observed interstellar object.
Think about it! 'Oumuamua came to us from another solar system. What's more, its patterns don't follow the usual trends: it's tumbling, not rotating. It has no tail, despite approaching the Sun. So what is it?
Harvard astronomers Avi Loeb and Shmuel Bialy recently put out a theory: 'Oumuamua could be an alien probe. Before everyone starts heading for their bunker, Loeb and Bialy are not exactly sure if it's operational. It could be a piece of debris from something that once was operational... Are you scared yet?
Don't say they didn't warn you!
Addendum: Between the time we wrote this profile and published it, further research done by NASA led to the determination that 'Oumuamua is likely a natural object. LIKELY. That's what the aliens want you to think...