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    Maggie Siff

    Jew Score:



    June 21, 1974 —

    Back in 2007, when this website was still in its infancy, a little TV show called "Mad Men" went on the air. A subplot of its early episodes had Don Draper woo Jewish heiress Rachel Menken, played by Maggie Siff.

    "She is Jewish in real life as well," one of us said to the other, after doing a cursory Internet search. "Maybe we should profile her?" "Are you serious?", was the reply. "Why would we profile the seventh-billed actress of a cable show that no one has heard of?"

    So we didn't profile Maggie. She was written off the show, but "Man Men" strived without her, turning into a critical darling. As for us, we churned out profile after profile, never looking back. Lots of Jews have been written up over these years... Lots of Jews. (And some not Jews.)

    Flash forward to today. Our website is almost 3000 profiles deep, with many obscurities peppering its roster. Maggie is no longer an unknown; she has had two major leading roles in popular series: "Sons of Anarchy" and "Billions".

    So... maybe we finally should profile her?

    Verdict: Jew.

    March 1, 2021

    See Also

    Alison Brie

    Don Draper

    Paul Giamatti

    Damian Lewis

    Robert Morse
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.