Who will get a higher Jew Score, Shecky Greene the
comedian or Shecky Greene the
horse? No peeking!
I Score: Shecky the comedian was born to a Jewish family with the last name Greenfield. His parents were Bessie and Carl. Shecky the horse was born to a goyishe family with no last name. His parents were Noholme and Lester's Pride. Advantage, comedian.
O Score: Shecky the comedian was a comedian, which is a rather Jewy profession. Shecky the horse was an athlete, which is not. Advantage, comedian.
K Score: Have you ever heard of Shecky the comedian? Maybe in the 50s and 60s, but not much so today. Have you ever heard of Shecky the horse? Only in the 70s, when he actually led Secretariat in the Kentucky Derby before finishing sixth. Advantage, comedian, probably.
Clearly, Shecky the comedian is the overall winner. Why did we even have this discussion?