Saint Clare is the patron saint of television.
You read that right. Claire of Assisi, who died in the 13th century, is the patron saint of television! We didn't think Catholics had a sense of humor, and yet, here we are.
Apparently, Clare was sick and could not go to mass. Instead, she stayed in her room... and saw visions of the mass on her wall. She could somehow hear it too.
Now, there are quite a few rational explanations for this. Mirrors, for one, and cracks in the wall for sound. Perhaps Clare ate some hallucinatory mushrooms? We're pretty sure some grow in Assisi. Or, maybe, just maybe, SHE MADE IT ALL UP!
In any case, in 1957, Pope Pius XII decided that television needed a saint, and Clare, with her wall visions, was the perfect candidate.
She is also the patron saint of laundry, but we have no idea how that one happened...