We have questions about "The Boys", specifically about the show's French translation, specifically about the character Frenchie. (Do you see where this is going?)
The character, played by Tomer Capone is, well, French. That's his defining characteristic. He speaks English with a very heavy French accent. He likes cooking. He wears a striped shirt and a beret. (Alright, we're not sure about that last one. He did wear a striped shirt once?) For a while, we didn't even know his real name, Serge. Everyone just called him Frenchie.
But how is it handled in the French translation, where everyone speaks French? Does he speak with an English accent and is renamed Englishie or Americanie? Seems quite unlikely. Of course, in real life Capone is not French at all, but an Israeli Jew, which makes the whole French accent thing rather absurd.
Maybe they made him French Canadian...