You might have noticed that former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has been in the news a lot lately. Something about attempting to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat and being impeached... Rod is not exactly a popular figure right now.
Of course, with his transgressions becoming national news, a lot of news anchors are forced to pronounced his name. And... well, they find it difficult. That J throws them off.
We're here to help.
It's Bla-GOY-evich.
Yeah, the emphasis is on GOY. Rod Blagojevich is not a Jew. He is Serbian/Bosnian ethnically (Rod is short for Milorad) and Eastern Orthodox religiously. (We will ignore absurd rumors of potential Jewish grandparents until someone finds actual, you know, proof.)
But don't worry, fans of deposed Jewish governors! We'll always have Eliot Spitzer.