Count Scarlett Johansson on the list of people whose Jewishness first totally surprises us, but is quickly accepted and celebrated. She does call herself a "New York Jew", after all.
But "Johansson"? That's a bit Nordic to be Jewish, isn't it? If that's Jewish, shouldn't we be profiling the rest of Scandinavia?
The answer to that is simple; if other Norwegian, Swedish or, as in the case of Scarlett's father, Danish Johanssons married Jewish women, we would gladly profile their offspring on this website, provided their resume is as accomplished as Scarlett's. Will that happen? We doubt it; not because of Norsemen aversion to Jewish women, but because Scarlett has set the bar pretty high for these Nordic Jews.
That said, we welcome all gorgeous Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians to try to beat Scarlett's standard. Far be it from us to discourage such a noble cause.