"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-semitism but they are marginal." — Noam Chomsky
Hooray! We wouldn't have thought so, but this is Noam Chomsky! The father of modern linguistics! One of the most cited academics! Recently named the top living intellectual!
So let's invite everyone from across our Christian nation, Jew and gentile, build a campfire and sing kumbaya. It's over! After thousands of years, anti-semitism is over! Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya...
"Anti-semitism is no longer a problem. It's raised, but it's raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control." — Noam Chomsky
Oh. Hmmmm. Really? Oh. Hmmmm.
Maybe anti-semitism is not over after all. We have a shining example right here.