Paul Erdos was... a tad strange, even for a mathematician. He lived his life going from house to house, sleeping on colleagues' couches. He co-authored so many papers that he is the center of a Kevin Baconesque network of Erdos numbers. He won a $500 bet for staying off amphetamines for a month. He developed his own vocabulary, where women were called "bosses" and men were "slaves" (surprise! he never married).
But it's Erdos' relationship with G-d that concerns us most. Born to a Jewish family in Budapest, he became an agnostic, but did not exactly strike G-d out of his life. Erdos accused G-d of... hiding his socks, and called him the "Supreme Fascist".
G-d a fascist? Well, we failed to look at it that way, but let's think about it. defines "fascism" as "a governmental system led by a dictator (check) having complete power (check), forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism (check: just leaf through the Bible), regimenting all industry, commerce, etc. (hmmm.... maybe not this one), and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism (well, we are the Chosen People, right?).
So, if G-d is not a fascist, then it's close.
Oh boy. What did we get ourselves into here?