In the third act of "Pulp Fiction", two criminals (Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta — Not a Jew, Oh, so Not a Jew) are in a heap of trouble. They need help. Oh, do they ever need help.
In comes Winston Wolf. He talks fast, he drives fast, he thinks fast. He wears a tuxedo jacket. He solves problems. He is the epitome of cool.
And that's Harvey Keitel's screen persona. He is the epitome of cool. Be it in "Pulp Fiction", "Reservoir Dogs", "Point of No Return", or "The Piano". Yes, even "The Piano". What, you're gonna argue with Keitel? Just look into those eyes. You don't have a chance.
But here's one thing that concerns us: when you look at all those roles, and Keitel has appeared in about 100 movies, there's maybe one obvious Jew among them. What are you saying, Hollywood? That Jews can't be cool, too?
And we think we know why. If Hollywood portrayed Jews as cool, there would be nothing left for young American goyim to strive for. That sounds plausible, right?