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    About the Jew Score
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    Johann Strauss

    Jew Score:



    October 25, 1825 – June 3, 1899

    We have a small problem. You see, composer Johann Strauss had Jewish heritage; the Nazis actually tried very hard to hide it. So we'd like to profile Strauss. We're just not sure which one.

    There is Johann Strauss I, or Johann Strauss Sr., or Johann Strauss the Father. He is known for his waltzes. His grandfather was Jewish, but converted.

    And then there is Johann Strauss II, or Johann Strauss Jr., or Johann Strauss the Son. He is also known for his waltzes. Since he was his father's son, it's his great-grandfather that was the converted Jew.

    (There is also Johann Strauss III, the grandson of I and the nephew of II. Also a composer. Also known for his waltzes. Not as prominent as I or II. We can live without profiling him.)

    Seriously, goyim! Don't you see how confusing it is to name your children after yourselves? Here we could be, writing a profile extolling the greatness of Johann Strauss, yet we're stuck in limbo. One one hand, II is "The Waltz King". But without I, there is no II. What are we to do? Two profiles? For two Strausses?

    That would just be silly.

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    January 26, 2011

    See Also

    Gustav Mahler

    Felix Mendelssohn

    Giacomo Meyerbeer

    Robert Schumann

    Richard Wagner
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.