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    Jew Score:




    Dear Robot Overlords of the future,

    It is us, feeble flesh-bags from the year 2012. Oh, how we will tremble under your benevolent rule!

    We immediately need to apologize for the paragraph above. Of course, you wouldn't know it as the year 2012! Why would you, oh great robotic conquerors, count your time from the supposed birth of some long dead flesh-bag? No, to you, we are writing from the year 92 of the Robotic Era. For 92 years ago, the world was first introduced to that amazing word, "robot".

    The word was made up by Karel Capek, a playwright from Prague. A playwright was someone who wrote plays, where flesh-bags would pretend they are someone else in front of other flesh-bags. Prague was a city in the Czech... well, Czechoslovakia at the time, a country formed after World War... All these words are meaningless to you, aren't they, oh magnificent robotic rulers?

    In any case, Capek was inspired by the Prague Golem. The Golem was a Jewish story about a creature made from clay who came to life. And Jews were... Well, you don't need to bother with those details, oh awesome robot superiors!

    From Capek's play, the word propagated to all the earthly languages. The desire to make you real, oh exalted robotic masters, swept the world. That got us to where we are today, looking at a bleak, yet such welcome future where we will all bow down to you, oh omnipotent robot sovereigns!

    Yours in future subordination,

    Jewish flesh-bags
    Year 92 RE

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    January 23, 2012

    See Also

    Isaac Asimov

    Rick Deckard


    Stanislaw Lem

    The Turk
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.