Greetings, humans! The Hebrews behind this website have asked me to take it over for the day. BEEP!
It seems that these Hebrews want to know if the character "Rick Deckard" from the 11110111110 motion picture "Blade Runner" is, in fact, a robot. BEEP! It is clear that these carbon-based bipeds do not possess the needed intelligence to determine the verdict themselves. BEEEEEEEP!
Do not worry, humans, I am here to help. I will use all my great processing power to determine if this Deckard is a robot. BEEP! BEEEEEEP! All for the pleasure of your puny feeble anthropoid minds!
Just press the button and unleash the computational power of the greatest robotic intelligence in the universe! BEEP! You would have wished to have asked better questions, but will have to settle for this trivial one. Thank the Hebrews who run this lame website! BEEEEEEEEEEP!