How does one get to be profiled on this website? There is no formula. Sometimes, it's our amazement that someone is Jewish. Sometimes, it's our love for obscurity or randomness. Sometimes, it's career of achievement.
For Jack Ruby, a career of achievement it's not. One act, the act of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, whose one act was the killing of John F. Kennedy (if you're willing to believe the mainstream theory, but we are not writing here), one act gets the former Jacob Rubinstein profiled on JONJ. One act, and one phrase. Ruby said that he killed Oswald to show the world that "Jews have guts".
Let us think about that.
Does hiding in a crowd of reporters and shooting someone from close range shows that he, or the people he supposedly represents, have guts? Is killing a supposed presidential assassin an act of valor, or an act of cowardice? Or (and let's not get into conspiracy theories again), was there much more to the act than what appeared on the surface?
Still, a murderer is a murderer. One act or many.