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    Rebecca Soni

    Jew Score:



    March 18, 1987 —

    Dear Rebecca,

    First of all, congratulations on your terrific showing in London. Two golds and one silver to add to a three-medal tally from Beijing. Wow! You truly are a great champion.

    We are, however, a little disappointed in you. No, not because you couldn't win that third gold, but because you have been hiding your Jewishness.

    Until last week, dear Rebecca, there was nothing anywhere on the Internet of you being Jewish. In fact, when a Hungarian correspondent sent us proof that you were, we were shocked, and we don't shock easily. Yet there it was, Jewish grandfather, sent from Hungary to Auschwitz during World War II. Parents who emigrated to the US from Romania in the 1980s.

    And now, finally, there is more proof, your Jewish cousin in Israel talking about your connection. Talking about exchanging letters with you. Talking about your Auschwitz-surviving grandfather. Talking about you, champion. Jewish champion.

    Dear Rebecca, it's not too late. Embrace us as we have embraced you! There are many, many great Jewish swimmers, from Mark Spitz to Dara Torres to Anthony Ervin. Why don't you open up and join them?


    Jew or Not Jew.

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.

    August 7, 2012

    See Also

    Anthony Ervin

    Lydia Jacoby

    Katie Ledecky

    Mark Spitz

    Dara Torres
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.