You know those five-second holiday messages that appear on network television during holidays? Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Jolly Easter (it's jolly, right?), etc. They flash for a short while, and then we're back to our local news. Pretty innocuous, right?
Wrong... at least in the case of one goyishe seven-year-old. He saw a message on TV, "Happy Passover from your friends at Channel 2", and started drawing Jewish stars everywhere. Soon, he was converting to Judaism. Then he became Y-Love, the world's only Ethiopian/Puerto Rican/black/gay/Orthodox (formerly Hasidic) rapper.
Which got us thinking... there are lots of Jewish executives on TV. Maybe they should broadcast those holiday messages more liberally? Why stop at the big ones? Wish your viewers Splendit Sukkot, Tubular Tu Bishvat, Luscious Lag BaOmer, and watch the converts fly!
Yummy Yom Kippur? Ummm... that might be a bit too far.